Friday 26 October 2012

Beckett Baseball magazine

I've decided I'd try and see what Beckett has to say about cards and their value.

Yes, we all love our hobby truly, madly, deeply just for the love of the cardboard with pictures/photos and stats, but we all also, in the back of our mind, wonder how much does our collection worth.

I mainly have base cards. So I'm not that collector filled with famous hits that, by the guide, worth hundreds sometimes.

But I go curious about some SPs I have and the inserts and, of course, the vintage cards price.

We see a lot of sellers on eBay with graded cards. By Becket and others. For what I understand asking for grading a card we need to pay, is that so? So it's only fair that the seller will cover that 'lost' of money with profit.

But until where can the price climb? Yes, I'm picturing the climber from the 'Price is Right' show.

I did a 'First Look' throughout the telephone list...errrrrrr...sorry, the price guide and I think I need to study it because there are a lot of initials and some coding letters I need to check their 'how to'.

I confess that I only bought the magazine because I found a European seller on eBay that are the new Euro-Front-End for the Beckett's magazines.

Will I buy an other? I reckon I might but only one year from now. And besides, in the future will be only Topps price-guide-info so I don't think I'll be that interested...

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