Tuesday, 7 October 2014

50 Cities of the World #2 Liverpool

This is a true English set. So we can count with more than one English city and even some Commonwealth cities too.

Here ate #2 we have Liverpool.

And if we 'dissect' its name we get 'liver' and 'pool'.

Pool I understand being Liverpool a city turned to the river living from the  nautical commerce.

And 'liver'...my first idea was the organ but no. I've just expanded my English vocabulary and learned that liver also means "a person who lives in a specified way (inhabitant)".

So they true live by the river and all jobs are related to 'water'.

The card back talks precisely about the fact.

Liverpool was (and still might be - sorry I don't know that much about UK economics) the most important harbor city in England...but still the one thing it's know well known for is the one and only greatest boy band ever (and rock & roll and other types of music):

The Beatles.

I can imagine in a future, a re-make of this set and the Liverpool card has to have the ships, boats and stuff but it also has to have The Beatles playing in the harbor.

Ohhh well You also have Anfield Road home of FC Liverpool.

You can check Liverpool's info in its wiki page.

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