Monday 5 November 2018

50 Cities of the World #33 Tokio

Welcome to Tokio!, our 33rd stop.

I know the card scan got a bit dark but I hope you can see it well.

Funny that the buildings look, not as the traditional type, but quite the occidental type. This representation is probably from a time when foreign nations were there (imposing their will...I know that well since my own country did that...)

Notice the little detail of the rickshaw driver running while pulling it. I searched the net and accordingly to wiki in Japanese they are called jinrikisha.

Like the card back state, Tokio inhabitants like to keep-up with the latest fashion and industry from west. But I must say, that I envy and admire how they can mix old traditions with ultra-modern stuff and make it all harmonize together.

Tokio still is Japan's capital. But before Tokio it was Kyoto.

I've seen enough animes and read equal number of mangas to think of Tokio and its Topkio Tower. It's like the Eiffel Tower in France. It's a landmark where lots of things happen. (at least in fantasy stories)

I'd love to visit Japan. Not only Tokio but other main cities or simple towns. I just don't know if I would survive just eating nigiris, temakis or makis...because that's what we eat here in west. But they have so much more!

Visit Tokio wiki page here.


  1. You would survive, no problem. They have lots of noodle and rice dishes too.

    1. eheh I know. I was exaggerating ;)
      But one thing I've discovered is that the oriental cuisine has great variety. But of course, what we get on the west is just a small preview of it.

  2. Nice card. I'm with you on the desire to visit Tokyo. Lisbon and London are on my bucket list as well. I need to do it before I get too old to enjoy the trips.

    1. London is one of those landmarks, but I'd change that for visiting a few cities in Scotland.

  3. Japan is definitely on my bucket list. Has been almost my entire life.

    1. And goign to a Japanese baseball game! =D
