Thursday, 28 November 2013

The Red Shoe Unknown Player

Jose Offerman has someone coming his way.

The Red Shoe Unknown Player.

I think Offerman has the out but I always imagine that the Red Shoe Unknown Player will slap the ball from Offerman.

'Ohhhhhh No! Me boy! You'll not catch the ball!"

Monday, 25 November 2013

Rip the logo

I don't know if Score was not allowed to issue cards with teams logos or not but this card seems a good example of what Panini would do nowadays.

Showing off half of the Boston B is not showing the Boston B.

But Score did it with a fashionable rip of the border.

That or it seems like those cards I've seen in many blogs from the time the owners were kids and didn't like some players team and simply rip off the teams name or logo.

So everytime I look at this card I touch the upper left corner to make sure it 's not ripped for sure.

One Thousand and One Nights

I just don't know if Antonio Osuna is playing a role in Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves or Aladdin.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

A different side of a card

There are cards that makes me think I'm in a presence of an error card.


Because the player on the back doesn't seem to be the same as the one in the front.

There are really some cards in what it really happens and even those cards that states a name and the photo is from other player.

Here what happens is that it is the true and real Brad Radke in both sides of the card but he looks sooooooooooooooooooooooooo bloody different in both sides that I always think Radke should forbide any photo of him in perspective...

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

RAC pack from Commishbob - Can you say it's Christmas time!?

By the first image you can see the quality goodies Commishbob sent my way.

I've already learned about trades, about PWEs (I didn't send any yet because mail overseas is a bit hardcore for PWEs...) but now I know what a simple 'Random Acts of Cardness Card" is.

And what it is?

It is a Rollie Fingers' mustache and a Greg Maddux mini.

(I know some people don't like the 2011 Topps Kimball minis but I love them so much!)

It is also lots of players I collect, like these two gorgeous Nick Markakis cards.

(Can you find the baseball in the Heritage card?)

It is a beautiful Cole Hamels relic card.

(It makes me want to 'pat' the patch to feel a bit closer to the game.)

It is a ... Hunter Pence.

(I'm struggling with myself after seeing this card because I'm almost losing it and giving up the blog rate at PG-13 and speed up to R!)

It is an other Pence all chrome and a Joey Votto all shiny!

And it is a vintage beauty, mister Will Clark.

And speaking about vintage...

It is all these 1959 Topps cards!

Until now I only saw these beauties on blogs and thought I'd never put my hands on one of those...

...even more 15 of those!

Commishbob even sent me these three Rookies.

Now I'm reading this to know a bit more of the set. I've read a bit here and there on many blogs and tried to understand the bigger picture.
Understanding baseball from the decades I've lived in it is easier than understanding those decades 'long ago'.

(Not calling anyone old!)

Canseco from the '88 All Star is not so vintage but it will soon become *that* vintage.

If it wasn't enough also got a '75 Topps Gaylord Perry (saw it back at Night Owl '75 Topps blog long ago), a '69 Topps Don Drysdale and a '59 Hank Aaron.

Bazooka is really the champ!

But if I thought those cards became the oldest I possess I was wrong.

Then I put my eyes on this 'Color TV' 1955 Bowman Gil Coan card.

I've commented on one Commishbob post saying that I have some of these cards in my Want List at comc and that one day I'd be proudly displaying one of those.

Never I thought it would be this soon!

And look how cute Coan looks.

I could make a super-vintage Woman Perspective post...

Now, the RAC is also current cards.

I don't have more recent Donruss cards, only those from the wax era but I'm getting curious to know more of the last sets.

This 3D Super Stars is bigger than those I got.

Being a Baltimore fan Commishbob was kind enough to deliver many Orioles to me including this '87 Donruss Cal Ripken Jr.

After all I don't mind getting Alex Rodriguez cards.

And this one is quite what he was/is...a promotional sample.

More wax era cards to join the ones I got from those wax era packs.

Jesse Orosco '83 Donruss card is a first to me since I don't have any card form that set. Until now.

RAC is also Houston Astros to my team collection...

...including oddballs!

Ellsbury making dust happen.

Looking at this Petralli card I thought of something...

..I knew I've seen it before! Now I have 2 Petralli cards almost falling into the stands.

On the back, care to notice that Geno didn't want to get the pants dirty, and sat on a towel.

Escobar sliding dust and a Morrow front row!

Terry Kennedy is the first catcher's card I see with the catcher shadowing the eyes to see the ball. Usually I see this in outfielders cards.

Fowler is trying to slide home and you can see dirt there. I'll have to update the Dust page very soon!

I miss this Astros uniform. And really loved the Star...

Great duo with the Orioles Wall on th back.

If you don't know I'll teach you something...tongue is love! So Mets fans give lots of love to one of your current symbols catching a ball barehand ready to throw to 1B.

Gary Lucas is trying hard to get a mustache like Fingers.

Keith Hernandez is my first '89 Upper Deck. Now I can complete the diamond on the Upper Deck design.

So all of these cards represent what a 'Random Acts of Cardness Card" is.

Thanks to CaptKirk42 for the great idea and to Commishbob for honouring me with all these goodies.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

RAC CARD - It's a chain reaction

This is what I call early Christmas!

Before going out to have lunch I get this on the mail.

It's from Commishbob!

I must did something truly good in some previous life to have such good fellow bloggers.

And here what I found inside.

I was honored with one of the 'Random Acts of Cardness Card"!

I confess I didn't know CaptKirk42's blog (I still have so much to learn in the hobby).

But I've already added his blog to my read list.

So from what I got by reading Capt post here I have to contact him and let him know the whereabouts of the card.

Then I can do my own 'Pay it Forward' to an other blogger!

I have my mission and will start digging my cards to so I can send them to the next person.

Thanks to CaptKirk42 for the great idea and to Commishbob for remembering me to be part of the chain.

(Will be posting the cards Commishbob sent my way in a future post. Still digesting the Christmas present ^_-)

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Some '90s and Upper deck love

I commented in one of Fuji's posts that I don't have many '90s cards in my colelction.

But I'm trying to overcome that issue.

I got more '94 Upper Deck packs.

Since they are Central Region packs again I got more dups. But since the photography is so good I don't mind that much.

And it's always good to have dups to trade to some fellow blogger.

Julio Franco is a dup but his cartoon face on the back photo makes me always smile.

Ozzie Guillen has a double play at second on both sides of the card.

Like the Roper card I like it when the photo shows the moment they let go of the bat and sometimes you get really fun photos with the bat looking like someone else invisible is holding it.

There are a lot of Upper Deck cards with the players being interviewed.

Catchers wearing catchers gear is always a plus. I know that batting is much 'good-looking' on a card but if it is a catcher I go more for the catchers photos.

The best card of these four has to be the Jose Offerman.

Not only he seems to can't see where the bloody baseball is but in the card back he seems to be having troubles with hearing.

'Are you talking to me? I can't hear you. You better shout!'

Raul Mondesi card also deserves a note because it's a second year card for Mondesi! Look at him running and batting like there would be no tomorrow.

And it is a great card for that fact that the 'no-tomorrow' for Mondesi took place only in 2005 he's sunset year.

Lets do a small quiz...

Damion Easley is pointing to:

  • a bird?
  • a baseball?
  • an ovni?
  • super man?
  • a Big Mac?

Easley got so caught looking up that he was thrown to the ground on 2B.

And one of the best cards in the set not for the spectacular play but for one of the worst situations you could get on a card.

Wes Chamberlain.

Look at that precious photo.

I think he should have tried for an actor career, don't you think? Because baseball was not he's thing. And that pitcher tried to show him the most painful way.

Ricky Gutierrez if flying on the front to maybe turn a double play on the back. Both Reds players I think.

But the front photo is awesomely stunt. He's facing the ground!

Ausmus is too difficult to say. I'm always changing his name to 'Rasmus'.

Greg Gagne not batting. No no. Not on front nor on the back. But that arm looks quite strong.

Macfarlane with an almost slide-to-home-plate-in-Tatooine if not that grass on the top. None the same...

It's a dusty card!

Were he on a '80s card and the dust would be clouding around him like a storm.

Again Aaron Sele on Baltimore stadium.

I got 3 or so Mike Greenwell cards. I should have known it was a sign Boston would win the World Series...

And he should be called Mike 'GreenWall' because he's leaning to the scoreboard on the Green Monster.

Ricky Gutierrez was the one facing the ground but it is Bernie Williams with the pain face.

I think it's the first and only time I see a baseball player practicing with a ball support.

Isn't it used by kids?

And the bag on the ground? He seems to have lots of baseballs to bat.

Lots of players in this set are watching OVNIs invading the fields.

At least Devon White is looking up but we can see the ball.

I don't remember why I got Terry Pendleton alone because I don't have anything to state about the card.

Horizontal cards like to have the spotlight. They like to be separated from the vertical ohhh so common cards.

Denny Hocking I'm sorry but I don't know you and the wikipedia is not that that friendly about you.

But Tom Glavine 7-year states card and him still looking as young as a baby has all my attention. would have all my attention if it was not for the second-year card of Chipper Jones!

And talking about looking young as a baby...

But if I had to choose one of those two I'd have to go for the Glavine card.

And I think you know why...

Pitcher at bases is always a plus! Wearing the jacket make it plus * plus.

Baerga eating/breathing dust!

Albert Belle I know why I 'spotlighted' his card.

I don't know if it is well visible on the image but the photo was taken during a rainy game.

Look closely and you can see the rain drops.

I think I have at least one more rainy card. I have to search for it on my 'vault'.

The photo on the back reminds me of David Ortiz.

Go figure.

Facial hair style is a given.

Lofton has two great photos.

One winning the 2B and the other the thing that turns it a great photo is the detail of the falling cap.

He threw the ball with such force the cap even fell off.

Mark McLemore stands in 3B.

The perspective created by the downhill mound looks awesome on the photo.

Jamie Moyer card does the perfect motion, with him preparing to throw on the front and ready to deliver on the back.

Barberie card is trying to get into my Dusty binder but I'm still with a few doubts.

The thing is that there is some kind of a dust cloud. Well, remains of it.

Those two Marlins are trying to compete to see which one is batting the ball the most far from...the ball itself.

I think Chuck Carr is succeeding a bit more than Whitmore.

You see, Todd Benziger is way much closer to my Dust binder than Barberie. I have to prioritize.

Clayton also have a funny front photo. Not losing the cap like Lofton but the photographer got the precise moment he was hanging in mid  air.

Mike Bordick did the bingo and is looking for the Hail-Mary in both photos.

I double Alan Trammell Tatooine card because it's awesome.

And David Wells is for my Front Row collection.

Since when the Hail-OVNI-Mary is so used in baseball?

I can only get flyballs and pop-ups?

Oh wait!

I'm getting a call...

Back again for a Texas retro-uniform.

Does Tatooine have white lines?

Smith gives me an other Front Row card while Martin gives me an other Dust cloud.

But Ken Griffey Jr. is trying to get me.

He can go to two binders: Dust or Flying-Catch?

I think I need to check for a duplicate of this card.

The first time I saw Marcus Moore card I thought he was Michael Jordan! Doesn't he look awfully like him!?

So these are all my '94 Upper Deck cards so far. I got quite a few of great cards to add to my specific collections and others just for the fun of it.

I'm more and more into Upper Deck cards. And thinking that I'd see the light again if they could start selling baseball cards again.