Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Visca Barcelona

You know those machines to insert a coin and you get a ball with some toy inside!?

I love to collect those!

Even more in this case that was a Barça collection.

It was a collection of mini-figures that, it seems, was released like 2 or 3 years ago.

Here are just 3 of them. I got Neymar too but never a Messi.

The collection had a few players, not all the 11 players that featured the main team back then, but a great touch was the thing of having them in both main shirt and alternative shirt.

Some of the mini-figures come with a base and others come with a ball.

The details are quite good! if you know the players you can see how close the representation is!

Will show the other mini-figures in an other post.


  1. These are really cool. I'd love to get my hands on the Messi for my classroom.

    1. I'd love too but for my own room ;)
      I'll just need to search for it on and see if I can find it
