Thursday 4 October 2018

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game - FF XIII Starter Set

Never played FF XIII but read it was a good release, even if FF series are not quite like before the X instalment.

Some characters look like the same from game to game. That's a issue to me, because in an RPG, specially in a JRPG, you have to have good/great/memorable characters, and that goes with them being different from each other.

I understand the 3D-almost-like-humans graphics, but the best FF games and cards are precisely the ones with old FF characters. Specially I love these doodles ones.

This Snow card looks like they zoomed in too much in a PS1 game.

Moogle. Always the Mogs! And the little ones, like Bard and Dark Knight.

Next FF post will be with the most significant FF to me, which is FF X, the first I ever had (always new about them but never had a console with those games), and the first game to my PS2.


  1. I have some students who would really appreciate this style of art. They use it on the projects they turn in to me.

    1. JRPG are a sight to see. The characters and background designs are always awesome. Because they don't stay with the 'raw' design the western games usually have. I think that's the beauty of it and what appeals so much.
